High Capacity Short Range Transport Air Vehicle

The Senior Design project I had the oppurtunity to be apart of as the Chief Engineer was selected as the 2nd place winner for the yearly AIAA Undergraduate Design Competition. The project was to design a high capacity short range transport aircraft to fill a major hole in the current market. Our aircraft was an innovative and competitive twist on a standard commercial airliner.

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Work Completed: 2019 - 2020

Stability and Control Analysis for Design Build Fly at Virginia Tech

Design Build Fly is a student design team based out of the Virginia Tech Ware Lab. Each year we competed against other schools to design the best RC aircraft based on a provided RFP. While leading the stability and control team, we designed, tested, and implemented the empenage and control surfaces for the aircraft, allowing for a stable and controlled flight.

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Work Completed: 2019-2020


VTFly is a software designed to help Virginia Tech Design Build Fly have an advantage in the design phase of the competition by implementing Multi-Disciplinary Optimization (MDO). The application allows for DBF members to instantiate constraints (RFP dependent) and complete simluations of the theoretical aircraft. With a wide range of aircraft simulated, multi-dimensional plots can be generated to determine the best performing aircraft.

Work Completed: 2019-2020

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